By Jefferson Jay

After years of effort, The Hunt for the Holiday Spirit had finally completed a few exemplary samples of our animation with the voice-overs of our original cast members perfectly in place. It was the culmination of tons of work by our team, especially animator extraordinaire Agustin Andres Cortes. I was profoundly grateful but I sensed something was still missing.

On the Trail

Perhaps Andres felt similarly, or maybe he was just so jazzed to be doing this work that he wanted a bit more. He offered the option of adding a trailer to our collection of clips to fully whet the appetite of any interested onlookers. I was receptive and down to foot the bill for this artistic endeavor. So he said, “OK. Well, you’ll need to write a script. I’ll send you a link.”

creation time word cloud art

Moments later, I found a cute little YouTube video about how to write a script for a trailer. Instantly I was inspired, and even though I was lying in a toddler’s bed with my 3-year old at that time, it was creation time.

Blazing Ahead!

I conjured the voice that seems to be on every movie trailer and the script began to flow. A short time later, I texted Andres my first draft and he enthusiastically approved. I was stoked. Apparently, I can write a trailer script! Gratitude wins again.

“So what next?” I asked Andres.

It was time to go down to my studio and start recording in my best homage to that iconic oration. It was fun, and very quickly, done. I shipped it over to Andres and roughly a week later, the trail to the trailer had been blazed. I love it.

A grizzly bear in shades plays the trombone.

Have you heard? Entertainment is better when all voices are heard!

Destination: High Spirits!

As we wind our way closer to pitch meetings and ultimately a broadcast deal for The Hunt for the Holiday Spirit, our most astute advisors have alerted me that this trailer is all we’ll need. I’ve been told many studios will only watch a minute or so of your show before they decide. What was once imagined as an extra piece is actually our prime sample! 

As thrilled as I am with our other samples, I am glad we have our trailer. If this is going to be what makes people need to see more of The Hunt for the Holiday Spirit, it was an essential step in our development. One thing that’s for sure in running a business, is that unexpected twists and turns will fill the journey toward our ultimate destination. Please join us on the trail: The Good Vibe presents the official The Hunt for the Holiday Spirit Trailer!
